Step 1: Create a free account on CastMagic
(I have a coupon for you to try it out for 30 days. Send me a message on Telegram and I'll give it to you
Step 2: Create a custom prompt
Click on Ai Content tab and create a new prompt
Step 3: Give it a name
Any name that will remind you what this prompt is about
Step 4: Put this text in the prompt area:
Pick one, it doesn't really matter:
Identify the single most important key idea in the recording ((enter your keywords) either business, mindset, scaling, growth, money, finance, or team) to write a short post, following the content sample below
Write a short post using the context of the recording identifying a key insight discussing ((enter your keywords) either business, mindset, scaling, growth, money, finance, or team), following the content sample below.
Find a key message / insight in the recording and write it following the content sample below
Step 5: match the content sample to your favorite influencer
Choose one of the prompts below and enter it into the Content sample area
Choose one of the samples below and enter it into the Content sample area
Business prompts
Name |
Prompt |
Content sample |
Any name you want | Find a key message / insight in the recording and write it following the content sample below | Most people fail to get clients on LinkedIn because of one thing:
They don’t make enough offers. Remember this, Your income is directly correlated to the number of sales calls you schedule. The more calls, The more income. |
Any name you want | Find a key message / insight in the recording and write it following the content sample below | Remember this:
You are not in the coaching business. You are in the client acquisition business. Your efforts as a business owner must be to attract and retain your clients. Once you have successfully done so, Then, you can focus on taking care of your clients. Most coaches lost sight of this. And it leads to a feast or famine business. |
Any name you want | Find a key message / insight in the recording and write it following the content sample below | There are only 2 skills you must have to get your business to a $20k per month level:
1. The skill of creating content that attracts buyers 2. The ability to have conversations with those potential buyers and convert them into real buyers Once you are able to do that on a consistent basis, You will always have an abundance of people purchasing from you. Finish with: In this video, I teach / show / reveal you exactly how to do / achieve / implement that. |
Any name you want | Find a key message / insight in the recording and write it following the content sample below | Being a Solopreneur can be overwhelming.
You are literally responsible for 100% of your business – Marketing – Sales – Client Fulfillment – Accounting It forces a lot of people to quit too early. Good news: It doesn’t have to be this way. You can run 6-figure coaching business while working 30 hours per week or less. Finish with: In this video, I teach / show / reveal you exactly how to do / achieve / implement that. |
Any name you want | Find a key message / insight in the recording and write it following the content sample below | Every 6-7 figure coach I know went through a time of uncertainty.
There was time when they had to take a big “risk.” And they did. Your business is no different. There is some “jump” you must take to get to where you want to go. You must identify that and solve it immediately. I promise if you do that, Your business will grow to another level. In this video – I show you how. |
Any name you want | Find a key message / insight in the recording and write it following the content sample below | here is one mistake that people make that loses them 90% of their sales:
They spend too much time selling “”features.”” And not enough time selling “”the future.”” Your buyer only wants to know one thing: “”Can you help me get the result I want?”” Your marketing should only be focused in answering that question. In this video, I show you exactly how to do that. |
Prompt for relationship + CTA to a funnel
Name: Any name you want.
Prompt: any prompt from the previous section
Content samples:
Women who are quietly dying inside their marriages will occasionally seek out other people’s viewpoints.
Just to get some clarity.
And in the hopes of having a safe place to be heard.
They might talk to their parents, friends, or neighbors, simply to get their viewpoint.
But the truth is, their agendas are not what you need.
You don’t need your mother’s truth guiding your path.
You don’t need your friend’s truth, or anyone else’s.
It’s not that we can’t seek emotional support from people who love us…
Because if they can truly listen and be present with us, it’s a gift.
But other people’s advice will always be based on their own life experience, past hurts and prejudices.
What we actually need is to unlock the answers from within ourselves.
Your soul’s answers are waiting to be found, and no one else can give those to you.
The women in my 10-week course all uncover what’s right for them with a profound level of soul clarity.
I don’t tell anyone what to do.
I guide them through a process that leads them to the right answers.
The result is unshakeable clarity on:
Whether to stay or leave the marriage
Whether the marriage can possibly be transformed
How to navigate the complexities of major life decisions
How to shift how they feel inside their marriage
How to open their hearts and feel more closeness with their partner
If the opinions of others were going to help you, you wouldn’t still be spinning in indecision.
If you want to learn more about the program, you can comment VIDEO and I’ll send you a DM with 5 shifts you can make in your marriage right now!
If you comment and don’t see it, be sure you’re following me (@xyz) and send me a DM first (IG blocks them sometimes if we haven’t chatted before!)
Healed people reflect when triggered before commenting
Your man has childhood shit gumming up your marriage.
You know it.
He denies it.
You’re willing to do your own healing.
You wish he would do his.
Welcome to Day 5,652 of marriage.
Whether you’ve been married 4 years, 10 years, or 35 years, it’s another day spent feeling utterly alone.
You mourn your own marriage, even though you’re both alive.
You don’t want to leave and don’t want to stay.
It’s hell. I get it and I see you.
I’m helping women get out of this purgatory by healing THEIR side of the disconnection. Which isn’t to say that anything is your “fault”. The disconnection in your marriage happens sometimes before we know it.
But it is there, and I’ve got resources that will help you begin your healing process.
I can’t make any promises that your healing will change your marriage…
Even though I’ve seen it happen many times.
I can’t promise that HE will change or become the man you need.
But I can promise that through this process, YOU will become someone you love, honor, and cherish…
And THAT transformation alone is powerful enough to give you clarity about your next move –
Chances are, you’ve been so focused outside yourself and serving everyone else, you need that tender loving care and attention more than ever.
Want to know more about this path?
Two options for you:
Interested in learning more about the 5 shifts you can take today? Comment VIDEO
Interested in joining me inside my FB group with weekly lives? Comment GROUP
You’re terrified of leaving your marriage, but too unhappy to stay.
You want to be seen, heard and loved, but you don’t think your husband is capable of giving you that.
After all, you have years of evidence showing you he can’t give you what you truly need.
Because you’ve asked. Many times in many ways.
But you stay because you want things to turn around. And besides, the details couldn’t be more complicated.
There’s the kids and the finances and an unknown future to contend with.
The longer you stay, the more you judge yourself for staying, and the more you resent him for not stepping up to make things better.
This is a special kind of hell…
One which my clients and I know intimately because we’ve lived it.
It’s a hell that can continue on for months and years, even if you know his damn “love language,” and he knows yours.
It’s a hell that’s immune to traditional therapy (because you’ve tried it).
If you can relate to this, PLEASE know that you are NOT alone.
Know that you can do something about it.
You can get real clarity…
But before that clarity comes, you must learn how to heal what’s going on inside you…
And what, if anything, is standing in the way of your happiness in marriage…
Whether it’s past conditioning about relationships, PTSD from past trauma, or the subconscious beliefs that made their way into your brain the first time you felt rejection.
Once that healing happens, a woman can see her side of the relationship and how she’s contributing to the disconnection.
AND – we are NOT letting men off the hook!
He’s been contributing to the disconnection with his own traumas and wounding.
But we can’t change him, but we can change ourselves and when that work happens, then everyone (even him) must respond to you differently.
Interested in learning more about the 5 shifts you can take today?
Comment or message me VIDEO to get 5 Shifts you need to take today to get started on your new path.
Unless you have the unconditional support of the people in your life, there’s really no safe space to express your disappointment.
Family and friends might worry you’ll make a huge mistake, so they tell you to suck it up, be grateful, and leave you with fearful scenarios like, “You could lose everything if you leave!”
Or they ask totally unhelpful questions like, “What kind of impact will this have on your kids?” As if that question hasn’t already kept you up at night.
It just makes you feel more fearful about something you’re already scared of and dreading.
Because chances are, you don’t actually want to leave. That’s why you’ve been stuck in indecision this long.
You’d prefer that things get better and work themselves out.
I’m here to tell you that things CAN potentially get better and work out, but NOT BEFORE you get clarity on what to do in the present.
Praying or wishing for things to change just keeps you in indecision.
This is why I help women feel empowered when they’re standing at this particular crossroads.
Because once you feel empowered, and once you know that you’re going to be okay no matter what decision you make, you can make a decision that helps everyone.
When I finally decided I was done, I did the healing work I needed to do on myself. Little did I know at the time, my certainty about the direction of my own life was the kick in the butt my husband needed to do his own healing…
So the decision I made and the clarity I had was the healing force that propelled us back together.
I can’t promise that if you work with me you will heal your marriage.
But I CAN promise that you’ll have unshakeable clarity about what to do next.
That clarity will give you purpose and a path forward.
You need that. Your family needs it.
If you’re ready to finally know what to do about whether to stay or go, I might be able to help you.
Want to find out more?
Comment or DM me VIDEO and I’ll send you the 5 shifts you need to make to now to begin creating change for yourself and your family.
Promote a book
Name | Prompt | Content sample |
Cliffhanger Question | End a post with a question that leaves your followers hanging. | "The prophecy foretold a coming darkness, but who would rise to challenge it?" |
Emotional Tug | Share a line that evokes a strong emotion. | "The weight of loss pressed down on him, a constant ache in his chest." |
Intrigue with a Quote | Share a cryptic but captivating line from your novel that sparks questions. | "They never suspected the true power lay dormant within the antique mirror." |
"What If...?" Scenario | Pose a hypothetical situation based on your novel's world. | "What if you could control the weather with your emotions? ️ #UnforeseenConsequences #[YourBookTitle]" |
Intrigue with a Quote | Share a cryptic but captivating line from your novel that sparks questions. | “They never suspected the true power lay dormant within the antique mirror.” |
Moral Dilemma | Pose a moral dilemma faced by your protagonist. | “Should Anya betray her best friend’s trust to save the kingdom?” |
Sensory Description | Craft a vivid description that evokes a specific sense. | “The acrid scent of smoke filled her lungs, a stark contrast to the cloying sweetness of jasmine that lingered in the air moments before.” |
Character Introduction (with a Twist) | Introduce a character, but reveal a surprising detail. | “Princess Amara, heir to the throne, harbored a forbidden talent: the ability to manipulate shadows.” |
Worldbuilding Snippet | Share a unique aspect of your world’s lore or magic system. | “In the city of Aethel, whispers flowed like currency, carrying power and danger in equal measure.” |
Humorous Quote | Share a funny line or anecdote from your novel. | “The dragon grumbled, smoke curling from his nostrils. ‘Honestly, fire safety regulations have gotten ridiculous.'” |
Generate Tweets / quotes in the style of...
Name |
Prompt |
Content sample |
Any name you want | Create a list of 20 key insights from the recording that are inspirational and motivating. focus on thought leadership content. use active voice in the style of [Adam Grant] | “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”
“Being a giver is not good for a 100-yard dash, but it’s valuable in a marathon.” “highly successful people have three things in common: motivation, ability, and opportunity.” |